A correction to the Wikipedia Paul Brady page...well at least one of the dozens of inaccuracies that need to be fixed...is the supposed quote from Bob Dylan saying I was "One of only five artists in the world worth getting out of bed for." BOB DYLAN NEVER SAID THAT!!!! If anyone has any input to Wikipedia will they please remove that?It was some jaded, jaundiced hack in some British music rag back in the 80s who thought he was being funny. He probably never even read the actual quote.What Bob Dylan really said in the booklet accompanying his 1895 box set 'Biograph' was "..people get too famous too fast these days and it destroys them. Some guys got it down- Leonard Cohen, Paul Brady, Lou Reed, secret heroes,- John Prine, David Allen Coe,Tom Waits. I listen more to that kind of stuff than whatever is popular at the moment. They're not just witchdoctoring up the planet, they don't set up barriers...Gordon Lightfoot, every time I hear a song of is it's, like, I wish it would last forever."I'm constantly amazed at how even reputable journalists continue to rely upon Wikipedia for their background information. Wikipedia is a joke and it brings the internet into disrepute. End of rant!